GrandCare Releases

August 23, 2023
GCManage Server v2.17.0

This update provides a number of calendar related features. ToDo capabilities has been expanded to allow for all day ToDos, which functionally allow the ToDo to be done at any time during the day. ToDos can also be added at the community level. In order to support all day ToDos, we added timed ToDo reminders to provide prompts to residents to perform their daily ToDos. Finally, we added a feature to disable modification of the calendar from the touchscreen. Additionally there were a number of back-end performance improvements, some fixes for video call signaling, and the addition of Medicaid IDs for our future EVV implementations.


Added account setting to disable calendar editing at the touchscreen


Added community Todos


Added Medicaid ID for accounts, groups, and user


Allowed Todo events to be set to all-day


Changed check update service to be less database intensive


Changed check update service to install the latest OS and Software version, rather than a stream of updates in sequence


Removed Skype related fields


Improved video call signaling implementation